Who are owners of Gohighlevel

Who are owners of Gohighlevel

The Visionaries Behind GoHighLevel: 

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the success of innovative platforms often hinges on the vision and dedication of their creators. GHL, the revolutionary all-in-one marketing automation platform, owes its transformative power to the ingenuity of its owners. In this blog post, let’s take a closer look at the individuals behind GoHighLevel, exploring their backgrounds, aspirations, and the impact they have made in shaping the platform into what it is today.

1. Meet Shaun Clark: The Architect of Innovation

Entrepreneurial Journey:
Shaun Clark, one of the masterminds behind GoHighLevel, brings a wealth of entrepreneurial experience to the table. With a passion for technology and a keen eye for market trends, Shaun embarked on a mission to redefine how businesses approach marketing automation. His innovative mindset and commitment to excellence have been instrumental in shaping GHL into a cutting-edge platform.

2. Varun Vairavan: The Strategic Visionary

Strategic Leadership:
Varun Vairavan, the co-founder of GoHighLevel, contributes his strategic acumen to the platform’s success. With a background in business development and a profound understanding of the digital landscape, Varun plays a pivotal role in guiding GHL growth trajectory. His strategic insights have enabled the platform to evolve in alignment with market demands, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.

3. The Collaborative Spirit: Fostering Innovation

Synergy and Collaboration:
The synergy between Shaun Clark and Varun Vairavan forms the bedrock of GoHighLevel success. Their collaborative spirit and shared dedication to empowering businesses have propelled the platform to new heights. By fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, they have cultivated an environment where creativity flourishes, leading to the development of groundbreaking features and solutions.

4. Driving the Future of Digital Marketing

Industry Impact:
Under the guidance of Shaun Clark and Varun Vairavan, GoHighLevel has become a driving force in the digital marketing industry. Their forward-thinking approach, coupled with a commitment to user satisfaction, has garnered widespread recognition for the platform. GHL innovative features, user-friendly interface, and comprehensive solutions stand as a testament to the owners’ dedication to driving the future of digital marketing.

GoHighLevel gives companies the tools they need to expand by soliciting user evaluations, maintaining listings on more than 80 different websites, and starting and managing customer relationships across all platforms, including social media, SMS, and Google My Business.




GoHighLevel: Revolutionizing Client Conversion with Seamless Automation

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Enter GoHighLevel, a groundbreaking platform founded in April 2018 by industry visionaries Shaun Clark and Varun Vairavan. This dynamic duo established GoHighLevel with a singular goal: to simplify and expedite the process of converting leads into satisfied clients. Let’s delve into the essence of GoHighLevel, exploring how it has transformed the way agencies operate and achieve remarkable results.

1. The Birth of GoHighLevel: A Vision Turned Reality

Entrepreneurial Pioneers:
In 2018, Shaun Clark and Varun Vairavan envisioned a platform that would revolutionize lead conversion. Their brainchild, GoHighLevel, emerged as a response to the frustrations businesses faced in the tedious and time-consuming task of converting leads. Since its inception, GoHighLevel has evolved into a game-changing solution, supporting an extensive network of over 50,000 customer accounts and 1800 marketing firms.

2. The GoHighLevel Advantage: A Comprehensive Toolbox

Integrated Solutions:
GoHighLevel stands out as an all-encompassing toolkit that amalgamates the functionalities of Google Sheets, Active Campaign, Calendly, Woodpecker, and Clickfunnels into a singular, user-friendly platform. This integration eliminates the need for juggling multiple software solutions, offering agencies a seamless experience from outreach programs to landing site development, survey forms, and scheduling.

3. Streamlined Processes: Effortless Automation for Diverse Industries

Pre-Made Solutions:
GoHighLevel simplifies the onboarding process for new users with an array of pre-made sales funnels, landing page designs, and automated SMS and email follow-up campaigns. Catering to a diverse range of industries such as law firms, chiropractic clinics, dental practices, and pest control agencies, GoHighLevel pre-designed templates empower agencies to swiftly duplicate successful campaigns. This convenience extends to delegating tasks to virtual assistants, making campaign replication for new clients a seamless and efficient process.

4. Outsourcing Made Easy: Empowering Virtual Assistants

Efficiency in Delegation:
One of GoHighLevel standout features is its outsourcable nature. Agencies can effortlessly delegate campaign duplication and management tasks to virtual assistants (VAs). This scalability not only optimizes the workflow but also allows agencies to focus on strategic planning, creativity, and client engagement, while the VAs handle the technical intricacies of campaign replication.




Additionally, the GoHighLevel assistance is the greatest I’ve encountered. They have an outstanding knowledge library (complete with videos), a Facebook group with close to 4,000 people, a live chat that is responsive right away, and even will hop on zoom calls if you need more in-depth help.

Let’s move on to my experience now that we are clear on what GoHighLevel is providing.

Transformative Success: My Journey with GoHighLevel

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, it’s not just about acquiring clients—it’s about ensuring their success and satisfaction. This realization hit home for me during my early days at Applichat, where I encountered challenges converting leads into sales. In this blog post, I’ll share my transformative experience with GoHighLevel, a platform that not only solved my conversion woes but also elevated my agency to new heights.

1. The Initial Struggles: A Valuable Lesson Learned

Growing Pains:
Like many agencies, Applichat faced hurdles in its growth journey. Despite our efforts, the conversion rates were disappointing, leaving both our team and clients frustrated. It became evident that focusing solely on generating leads was not enough. What we needed was a solution that would streamline the conversion process and empower us to guide clients towards closing deals effectively.

2. Discovering GoHighLevel: A Game-Changing Solution

Automated Follow-Ups:
Enter GoHighLevel, a game-changing platform that addressed our pain points comprehensively. One of the standout features was its automated follow-up system. By automating interactions with leads, we witnessed a remarkable increase in conversions. Timely and personalized follow-ups not only nurtured leads effectively but also built trust, paving the way for successful conversions.

User-Friendly White-Label CRM:
Moreover, GoHighLevel offered a white-labeled CRM that our clients found intuitive and easy to use. The seamless interface not only enhanced their experience but also instilled confidence in our services. With a user-friendly platform at their disposal, clients felt empowered to manage their leads, conversions, and sales pipelines effortlessly.

3. Multifaceted Support: Resolving Challenges with Ease

Comprehensive Support Channels:
One of the key aspects that set GoHighLevel apart was its robust support system. The platform provided various channels of support, enabling me to swiftly address any backend issues. Having access to responsive and knowledgeable support teams streamlined our operations, ensuring that technical challenges were resolved promptly, allowing us to focus on delivering exceptional service to our clients.




My clients started converting more leads, which made my experience with the CRM extremely favourable. As a result, my agency’s cash flow, referrals, and reputation all improved. This got them to renew when they otherwise would not have.

GoHighLevel Benefits

So what are the benefits of ad agencies using GoHighLevel instead of combining Clickfunnels, Calendly, ActiveCampaign etc?

The GoHighLevel support rocks!

I would wed it if I could. Seriously. The crew will hop on zoom calls to help with challenging issues, live chat replies extremely fast, and the Facebook group includes additional marketers prepared to assist you. It seems useless to manage several tickets using various applications when GoHighLevel takes care of everything.

You’ll Save Hours.

Before GoHighLevel, setting up clients took me 4 hours. One has been affected by the software (in the same niche). How? Snapshots. These are a template that combines your automations, email/SMS campaigns, and funnels.




You can then install this onto a new client account. It makes onboarding quicker, and saves you money as it’s easier to create SOPs for VAs to make edits within one CRM.


Before GoHighLevel, I had to introduce clients to a variety of other programmes, such as Calendly and Active Campaign. It was effective, but every time I asked them to hire different businesses to handle different components of the campaign, I could feel the shine of my firm fading.

This is not the case while using GoHighLevel. Instead, your brand will be shown in the upper left corner when they sign in. Although I haven’t updated my URL yet, it’s also doable.

You’ll Save Money (If You Have A Few Clients).

Without discussing the GoHighLevel cost, the evaluation would fall short of being comprehensive. The agency plan, which is the one you want, costs $300 per month. Does it merit it? YES. With GoHighLevel, I was able to cut my agency fees by $176 and save roughly $40 on each customer.

For agency owners, GoHighLevel has altered the rules of the game. We have been able to save time and money that we can put back into our company and employees. The single-channel platform that combines every sales/lead channel for our clients to connect with is something that both us and our clients greatly appreciate. Our interactions have become lot more open and honest, and it has helped us hold our clients responsible.


Without the incredible technical team at GoHighLevel, it is really difficult to conceive our procedures and workflows. The doers’ community is also fantastic, and we like hanging out with others that adhere to the same heart and hustle principles as us.



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